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NCR SelfServ Checkout

NCR ranks number one worldwide in the self-checkout market. SAMforWin™ software is now fully integrated with the best self-checkout provider in the world!!

Please call our office to arrange a demo.

The key development during 2012 was with NCR Self-Checkout. NCR became the obvious partner of choice as they have over 70% market share globally, therefore the consumer will be very familiar and comfortable with using the NCR solution.

Self-Checkout is not only suitable for large supermarkets, but is now running very successfully in convenience stores around the world. Customers use Self-Checkout lanes for speed and more control of their shopping experience. The NCR Self-Checkout systems feature intuitive interfaces and animated instructions so the customer always knows what to do next. NCR's approach is consultative lead, where they will analysis your existing sales data, looking at trading patterns, peaks times, basket mix, etc.

We will then visit your store, interview store management and staff, use store floor plans, giving you a very detailed report on the optimum number of units and where they should be positioned. This report will also show your expected return on investment. NCR is finding a typical Return on Investment of 12 to 18 months.

After installation we will continue to work with you to ensure you are achieving the expected Return on Investment.

We are here to assist you. Please call us

Call us today on +353 1 4605040 to arrange an appointment with one of our retail experts Contact us